
How to Join the Clan

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Step #1:
The Clone Commando Pod Clan is an exclusive clan; we don't let just anyone in.  The first step to registering is to post an application in the CCP forums.  Simply go to the Clan Applications forum and read the topic at the top of the page for more information in what to include in your application.  You will also need to download the program Xfire, and add Xfire user Clonecommando007 to your friends list.

Step #2:
Once you have posted your Application in the CCP forums, you should check up on it every day until your application goes through.  You also will need to register for the CCP forums.  This will allow you to regularly communicate with other players on the boards.  If you have any questions, please contact {CCP}Trooper{CMDR} through Xfire (username is clonecommando007).


Step #3:
You need to be checking up on your application every once in a while.  However, there are two things that may speed your joining process:  Posting screenshots in your application form, and Playing with CCP members online. 
To take a screenshot through Xfire while in-game, simply hit scroll-lock, hold it down, and hit z.  Then upload the files after the game is done.  They will show up in your Xfire profile.  Go to the screenshot, right click it, hit properties, copy the URL, and go to your application topic in the CCP forum.  Paste the URL, and put [img] tags around it like this:  [img]YourImageUrlHere.jpg[/img]
You can set up a time to play CCP members through Xfire, or just play on the CCP server.

Be sure to visit the official Clone Commando Pod forums at
